Well Master invites you to apply to participate in a production-focused training series that gets results. From major multinationals to small independents, successful producing companies are focusing on getting more from the asset base. Our industry-tested program has been adopted by numerous gas producers of all sizes and achieves outstanding results.

Using the theme “Every Well is a Business,” we help producers go beyond simple cost-cutting as a way to boost net operating income. Well Master works with you to fuse classroom instruction with field performance, leading to the creation of best practices. Well Master brings our services to you so your training dollars become more effective. The results will reward your effort with increased revenue and operating income— often in millions of dollars!

Find out more about Well Master Canada’s training programs here

Fundamentals of Gas-Driven Well Optimization

Well Master’s program starts with a 5-hour Fundamentals class designed for everyone. This unique training teaches the participants little-known basic fundamentals of gas- driven wells. We examine simple “Guidelines” and “Rules of Thumb” which we explain or debunk. Students learn to “see” downhole and understand the implications of their observations on production. We have taught this material to field operators up to senior management, and it has provided noticeable changes in well production.

Well Optimization Training

This hands-on program is designed to cement the concepts of the Fundamentals class into daily routines. One of the biggest gaps in training effectiveness is the lack of direct instruction with relevant applications. Well Master addresses this shortcoming by facilitating a selection of a target group of 10+ wells and providing a detailed evaluation of each well. We advise on tool selection and operating parameters, and follow up with bi-weekly checkups in person or via audio/video conference. The repeated use of principles learned in the classroom allows the participants to see tangible effects, discuss their observations, and reinforce the concepts.

Best Practices Development

The third phase is perhaps the most important of all. The lessons learned in the first two stages are used to help the producer create specific best practices and procedures that are tailor-made for each asset and well type they may encounter. The operations team gets to build a set of enduring guidelines to instruct how best to operate the asset. By encouraging collaboration from the entire operating team, best practices will be endorsed and implemented throughout the asset, leading towards maximized asset value.

Opportunities are limited for each program! Make your training dollars more effective.
Improve cash flow and maximize asset values as soon as possible.
Contact Well Master today.