Field Services help you operate your wells.

Lease owners, operators and procurement professionals are being challenged to deliver higher productivity with fewer resources. Don’t waste valuable time getting a marginal or aging well performing through trial and error. Our experts can get you up and running quickly, so you don’t lose valuable time or profit.

Technical staff can conduct a field visits to help scope projects & conduct field diagnosis.

These visits are often used to help evaluate operations which are new customers of Well Master. These visits help ensure our recommendations are in alignment with your expectations. Often, such visits can help quickly identify areas for potential improvement. There is no substitute for putting our eyes on your challenges or putting actual hands on actual problems. As many operational challenges are symptoms of surface issues and conditions, these visits can very quickly identify opportunities for quick, cheap, and easy wins.

Field Optimization Services

Sometimes even the most experienced lease operators need a little help. When you partner with Well Master, you benefit from decades of hands-on production experience. Whether you are installing a new plunger lift system or trying to get the most from marginal or aging wells, trust Well Master to minimize your lease operating expenses.

Well Maintenance Services

As with field optimization services, well optimization service is provided by experienced field staff in limited geographic areas. This service is not offered in every basin or region, however Well Master has a sales support presence in most major oil and gas basins in North America.

Some of these field services include:

•System installation
•Echometer plunger tracking and fluid level
•Well Optimization Consulting and advisory
•Troubleshooting and inspection
•On-site assistance

In available areas experienced technical field staff travel to your location and help you conduct your routine maintenance. Our staff comply with your policies and best practices while working on your behalf, on your location. These services are intended to help you devote your attention where it is needed most, when sufficient expertise or resources are not available within your organization.

Above & beyond just checking for plunger wear, these visits can also help you identify surface issues which can impair plunger operations.

Production Surveillance Assistance

In limited cases, technical staff can assist you with production surveillance of your plunger lift assets.

In available areas, our staff can help assist your operators with basic surveillance These services are not offered typically limited to operators with appropriate instrumentation, SCADA, and telemetry. These services are typically offered on a per well basis. Clients are encouraged to also pursue our educational offerings in conjunction. Ultimately, we want to help you operate your field better; not operate for you.